Out Sourcing of Temporary Staff
TRADEMASTERS has the solutions you need to keep your business running. As a well-recognized outsourcing company. We offer a range of services to address your business needs. With our expertise, you’d have no trouble managing your business. We offer staff outsourcing if you need temporary workers for a certain period. We’ve combined our recruitment teams with our payroll and human resource services to provide contract services.
Our company spends time on selecting the right employees and maintaining the payroll for your convenience. We’ll make sure the staff we recruit can fulfil all your business responsibilities. We’ll also supervise the replacement process so you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.
Human Resources Policy Manual
This manual sets forth personnel policy guidelines to assist managers and supervisors with their operational responsibilities.
The policies contained within are not conditions of employment, and the language is not intended to create a contract between the Company and its employees. Nothing contained in this manual shall be deemed to give any employee the right to remain in the employment of the Company. The Company reserves the right to make unilateral changes in this manual.
The contents of this manual apply only to Officers of Administration, Officers and Non-Union Support Staff. Unless stated otherwise, the policies contained in this manual do not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining unit, temporary or casual employees, Officers of Instruction or Officers of Research. In the event of a discrepancy between this online manual and The Faculty Handbook, a determination will be made at the sole discretion.
All efforts have been made to make this manual as clear and concise as possible. The Table of Contents allows supervisors to find the appropriate policy quickly. All future updates and revisions should be added to this manual to ensure that the most recent policy is available for reference. It is recommended that all material and documents relating to personnel policies be filed in the manual for easy access. Supervisors should familiarize themselves with the content and format of the manual.
These policy guidelines are generally coordinated with Human Resources departments across the Company.
Any exception to the policy guidelines outlined in this manual must receive the prior written approval of the Vice President for Human Resources or his/her designee.